Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Survived Another One

Christmas '06 was decidedly different than Christmas '05... in a good way.

There were no tears, no angst, no arguing, no unpleasantness. Thank goodness.

There was also no joyous Christmas spirit, no warm family gatherings, no excited anticipation at what gifts might be waiting for me. No midnight mass either.

But there was plenty of delicious food, beer, and laughing.

All in all, this wasn't a bad Christmas.
Hope yours was good.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

How It Went

So my appointment was for 1:30, but I had to be there at 1:00 so I could fill out "new patient" forms. All of the paperwork done, I sat there fidgeting, and waited until 2:00 to be called into a room.

I was seen by a very young Nurse Practioner ... which, by the way, I'd much rather be taken care of by a NP than a doctor. Ask me why sometime, and I'll tell you.

I never left there until after 4pm. That's how thorough she was. I still need to go back for fasting bloodwork, a pelvic sonogram, and mammogram. I have a strong family history of breast cancer, and she said there is a link between the breast cancer gene, and the ovarian cancer gene... so therefore, she wants a clear look at my ovaries & uterus. Results remain to be seen.

I was happy to hear that I am almost completely through menopause, and one of the few lucky ones who apparently is breezing right through sans the typical side effects... hot flashes, violent mood swings, insomnia. Yay me!

She asked if I ever had any bouts of depression. I said, "No more than everybody else." She thought this was hilarious. I was just being honest. Do you know anybody who NEVER feels depressed? I don't.

She was extremely thorough, patient, a very good listener, and easy to talk to.

I'll say this, I'm glad I went, and I'm just as glad it's over.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006



I decided that I'd give myself a gift for Christmas. I decided that I would get myself a gyn exam and mammogram, since I haven't been for one in twenty years. So I called for an appointment, and .......



I thought I'd have some time to psych myself up for it. I hate being a patient. Hate hate hate it.

Tomorrow at 1:30, think of poor me with the feet in the stirrups.

(This was probably TMI too, huh?)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

TMI - I'm Sure

So... they say if you make it through 12 consecutive months without a period, you're officially D.O.N.E. with them.

As of Friday, 12/15/06 at approximately 10:00pm, I made through 11 months, 3 weeks and 2 days.


Can you say SHITCRAPFUCKOFF with me?

The good news is, I'm already done.

Oh... I met someone nice. Did I mention that here already? ( I don't even know what I've written here anymore.) We're having dinner tomorrow.

That's all.
Good night.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Scuba Santa, and Other Things

This week I was in Cincinnati. Our group went to the Cincinnati Aquarium, where we had the place to ourselves. They gave us free reign throughout the place, and I really enjoyed it.

They have a Rain Forest room, where hundreds of birds fly freely throughout. If you choose to go in there, they'll give you a small container of "nectar" (which is pretty much sugar water) to lure the birds to you. Naturally, I wanted the birds to come to me. I held out the nectar, and within seconds ... whooosh.... 10 or more birds were landing on me. They were beautiful. Vibrant blues and reds and yellows. All squawking for the nectar.

While we were seated for dinner, the screen at the stage was lifted and there inside this enormaous tank, were sharks, and sea turtles and a multitude of other cool sea life swimming up to the glass. Also was a sleigh and eight sea horses. Then.... suddenly Scuba Santa and his Safety Elf sank down to the bottom of the tank.

I don't know about you, but I had to take a picture. Have you ever seen a Santa in scuba gear? No. Me either.

Anyway, this picture was taken with my phone, so if it's not all that clear, I'm sorry. But you get the idea.

In other news, I have a second date tonight. The first date was Sunday. This is pretty huge because you guys know I don't often meet someone I care to go out with a second time. So let's hope for the best, and I'll let you know how it goes.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

To Stacey

Stacey, I got your Christmas card yesterday. Thank you for thinking of me.

You know that this time of year is bad for me. I hate it, and I hate how it makes me feel.

Yes, I miss talking to you too. And yes, let's definately get together - after the holidays. I'm not very good company these days.

You have my number. Give me a call.

Your Friend,

Friday, December 08, 2006

Irritating Comments

I found the following comment at some blog (don't even remember the name of it) which I clicked into by following a link from one of my daily reads.

Here's the comment:

"A reminder (and Studio 60 made the same mistake this week), Immaculate Conception has nothing to do with Virgin Birth. Virgin Birth is the belief that Mary gave birth to Jesus without any assistance from St. Joseph. Immaculate Conception is the belief that Mary was born without Original Sin, and thereby worthy of being the mother of God."

Now... I don't claim to be a card-carrying bible thumper, but I do know my bible stories. Shit, I've seen all the Cecil B. DeMille movies, I should know 'em.

Don't you just love it when people get on their soapbox and pontificate ad-nauseam, WHILE NOT KNOWING WHAT THE HELL THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT???!!!

Virgin Birth: A virgin who miraculously gives birth to a child.
Immaculate Conception: The concept that a woman becomes pregnant through no means other than divine intervention.

I wish I knew who the pompous ignoramus is, I'd go over to his blog and slap him smart.

Oh My God... I Can't Remember !!!

I've been reading over at Suicide Gurrl's blog. She's recounting her sexual encounters in chronological order (I think they're in chrono order at least)

I was thinking about that today. I realized that even if I wanted to recount my first encounter, I couldn't. I can't remember it. Can you believe that something which is supposed to be so important in a person's life was apparently so unremarkable for me that I can't remember it? That's sad, people.

Know what else is sad? I just spent the last four days in New York City, and did not have one spare moment to stroll Fifth Avenue and marvel at the Christmas windows. I was holed up in a Marriott, for the entire time, and the only daylight I saw were the few stolen minutes when I was outside sneeking a cigarette.

Next Monday I leave for Cincinnati (oh... what a hip, happening city THAT is. NOT!) and I'll be there til late Wednesday night. Watch... just because there's not a damn thing I want to see or do there, I'll have all kinds of free time.

But anyway... back to that first time... no matter how much I concentrate, I get ...

nope, nothin'.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Thanks to Nexy for the link ... (I think ?)
You Are Death

You symbolize the end, which can be frightening.
But you also symbolize the immortality of the soul.
You represent transformation, rebirth of a new life.
Sweeping away the past is part of this card, as painful as it may be.

Your fortune:

Don't worry, this card does not predict death itself.
Instead it foreshadows the ending of an era of your life, one that is hard to let go of.
But with the future great new things will come, and it's time to embrace them.
Mourn for a while, but then face the future with humility and courage.

Friday, December 01, 2006

20 Things I Love

1. Chocolate
2. Sleeping
3. Riding my motorcycle
4. South Park
5. Being right
6. Learning
7. Music
8. Paying it forward
9. The first signs of spring
10. My Bluejay named John
11. Crashing on the couch under a blanket on a rainy day
12. Scary movies
13. My niece and nephews
14. Coming home from a business trip
15. The shore
16. My first guitar
17. A New England Boiled Dinner
18. Diamonds
19. Polo-Ralph Lauren clothes
20. The Jerry Springer show

20 Things I Detest

1. Liver
2 Liars
3. Early mornings
4. Traffic jams
5. Clogged toilets
6. Drop-in company
7. Rework
8. Insomnia
9. Hiccups
10. Being stood up
11. Calamari
12. Hidden agendas
13. Back stabbers
14. Rap music
15. Diva karaoke singers
16. Melodrama
17. The "C" word
18. Being kept waiting
19. Finding out my trust has been abused
20. Having dental work done


So Tuesday I went to my hairdresser appointment. I needed a trim BADLY. I'm sitting in the chair and my hairdresser says to me, "Sybil, let me straighten your hair." So I let her.

Can I tell you? I L.O.V.E. it! I can't remember the last time I was able to pass a comb through my dry hair. It's like... I never want my curls back again. But, alas... I know it's only temporary, because after all... it's not nice to fool Mother Nature. (I guess you have to be old like me to remember that advertisement catch-phrase.)

In other news, last night I had another first date. We met for coffee. When he got out of his car, I looked up, and up, and up to see his face. I felt like I was a tourist in NYC looking up at the Empire State Building! The man is 6'7" ! I shit you not. He is attractive enough, but as we were sitting there talking, something was gnawing at me... like he was so familiar, but I couldn't place him. Then suddenly it hit me -

Ever watch Everybody Loves Raymond? Do you remember Raymond's annoying cousin, the accordion player? Well... this was him. His annoying whiney voice, his poor articulation, his annoying self-deprecating way. Eeww! Once it hit me who he was reminding me of, I was off like a prom dress.

See ya... I'm aaaaaaaallllll set.

After that, I went to do some karaoke at this place where I used to play. The DJ, (whom I've known for years) apparently took an overdose of stupid pills and was a total asshole toward me. It reminded me of 1st grade when the boy who has a crush on you picks on you and pulls your pigtails.

So he aggravated me all night long until finally I had enough beer in me to let him know that I was on my last nerve. When I told him to smarten up, he got even more obnoxious. Only trouble was, all the guys in there are friends of mine, and they saw what he was doing, and well... to make a long story short, that DJ came very very close to getting his sorry ass kicked all the way into next week. So in effect, I basically started a bar brawl. But, in truth, I didn't start it, I just fueled it.

Once the guys in there straightened out DJStupid, I decided I'd had enough commotion for one night, and snuck out the back door while the dust was still settling.

Hm... enough excitement for one night!