Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Irritating Comments

I found the following comment at some blog (don't even remember the name of it) which I clicked into by following a link from one of my daily reads.

Here's the comment:

"A reminder (and Studio 60 made the same mistake this week), Immaculate Conception has nothing to do with Virgin Birth. Virgin Birth is the belief that Mary gave birth to Jesus without any assistance from St. Joseph. Immaculate Conception is the belief that Mary was born without Original Sin, and thereby worthy of being the mother of God."

Now... I don't claim to be a card-carrying bible thumper, but I do know my bible stories. Shit, I've seen all the Cecil B. DeMille movies, I should know 'em.

Don't you just love it when people get on their soapbox and pontificate ad-nauseam, WHILE NOT KNOWING WHAT THE HELL THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT???!!!

Virgin Birth: A virgin who miraculously gives birth to a child.
Immaculate Conception: The concept that a woman becomes pregnant through no means other than divine intervention.

I wish I knew who the pompous ignoramus is, I'd go over to his blog and slap him smart.


At 1:36 PM, Blogger nexy said...

i'm praying that i will miraculously become pregnant. that'll show 'em, when the next messiah is born of a jewish, pagan, tarot card reading transsexual with no reproductive organs.

on the other hand, if i never actually do become pregnant, at least i'll enjoy trying...

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Sybil said...


Nexy, you're too much!

At 1:46 PM, Blogger L said...

does slapping people smart really work? i think its worth a try


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