Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Oh My God... I Can't Remember !!!

I've been reading over at Suicide Gurrl's blog. She's recounting her sexual encounters in chronological order (I think they're in chrono order at least)

I was thinking about that today. I realized that even if I wanted to recount my first encounter, I couldn't. I can't remember it. Can you believe that something which is supposed to be so important in a person's life was apparently so unremarkable for me that I can't remember it? That's sad, people.

Know what else is sad? I just spent the last four days in New York City, and did not have one spare moment to stroll Fifth Avenue and marvel at the Christmas windows. I was holed up in a Marriott, for the entire time, and the only daylight I saw were the few stolen minutes when I was outside sneeking a cigarette.

Next Monday I leave for Cincinnati (oh... what a hip, happening city THAT is. NOT!) and I'll be there til late Wednesday night. Watch... just because there's not a damn thing I want to see or do there, I'll have all kinds of free time.

But anyway... back to that first time... no matter how much I concentrate, I get ...

nope, nothin'.


At 2:48 AM, Blogger nexy said...

i remember my first time in detail. the most telling moment was when i wondered why everyone else was making such a big deal out of it. of course, as you know, i was doing it all wrong. took me years to finally fix things.

At 11:02 AM, Blogger Dee said...

I remember my first time pretty clearly, although a few details do escape me now. I know now that I did it for all the wrong reasons but I was young and a little stupid back then.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger L said...

my first time was wonderful at the time, but fucked me up when that relationship ended. oh well. such is life!

At 8:33 PM, Blogger Jos said...

I remember every little detail. . .and also the bastard, mofo!

You were in NYC!?? Damm! We could have met for a drink.


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