How It Went
So my appointment was for 1:30, but I had to be there at 1:00 so I could fill out "new patient" forms. All of the paperwork done, I sat there fidgeting, and waited until 2:00 to be called into a room.
I was seen by a very young Nurse Practioner ... which, by the way, I'd much rather be taken care of by a NP than a doctor. Ask me why sometime, and I'll tell you.
I never left there until after 4pm. That's how thorough she was. I still need to go back for fasting bloodwork, a pelvic sonogram, and mammogram. I have a strong family history of breast cancer, and she said there is a link between the breast cancer gene, and the ovarian cancer gene... so therefore, she wants a clear look at my ovaries & uterus. Results remain to be seen.
I was happy to hear that I am almost completely through menopause, and one of the few lucky ones who apparently is breezing right through sans the typical side effects... hot flashes, violent mood swings, insomnia. Yay me!
She asked if I ever had any bouts of depression. I said, "No more than everybody else." She thought this was hilarious. I was just being honest. Do you know anybody who NEVER feels depressed? I don't.
She was extremely thorough, patient, a very good listener, and easy to talk to.
I'll say this, I'm glad I went, and I'm just as glad it's over.
wow! thats a long time to be in a situation like that! sounds like you handled it like a trooper though!
Glad to hear the ordeal is over and that you were well taken care of.
Now, why do you prefer NPs?
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