Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

From Stacey's - Finish The Sentence

I got this over at Stacey's crib.

1. Maybe I should consider quitting smoking. Too many friends are dying of cancer these days.

2. I love the smell of My perfume - Romance by Ralph Lauren

3. People would say that I’m successful.

4. I don’t understand why I can't receive one of President Bush's $600.00 tax rebates this year. I mean... really really unfair dude!

5. When I wake up in the morning I can't function before that first cup of coffee.

6. I lost all my spare car keys. Which really sucks because those Beamer keys cost $300 to replace.

7. Life is full of ups and downs. I'm still looking forward to just one month of even keel.

8. My past is shady. I'm not exceptionally proud of it, but then again; I never killed anyone, or intenionally hurt anyone. Ah... it should die a quiet death.

9. I get annoyed when Oh... where to begin! The toilet paper is put on the roll the wrong way. The toothpaste tube is squeezed from the middle. Crumbs are left on the floor. Dirty laundry is thrown down the chute without turning them right side out first. People cut me off on the road. My XM radio loses it's signal. My cellphone battery dies in the middle of a really important call. They shut off my DirecTv for non-payment (The Nerve!)and on, and on...

10. Parties are for young people. I can't be bothered.

11. I wish for world peace. Just Kidding! That'll never happen. I wish my brother's DB claim would be settled and I wouldn't have to support him anymore.

12. Dogs are loyal, loveable, smart creatures who do, on occasion stink, but still make the best pets.

13. Cats are stand-offish, independent, hairballs who also stink, and climb all over kitchen counters dropping their nasty hair where the food goes. No, cats have no place in my world.

14. Tomorrow I’m looking forward to sleeping in, and then maybe getting some work done.

15. I have low tolerance for 1. Stupid people. 2. Liars. 3. Body Odor. Not necessarily in that order.

16. I’m totally terrified of spiders. They WIG.ME.OUT.

17. I wonder why some people die a peaceful death, and others die in such agony. Wonder if it's Karma, or God, or Fate, or just the luck of the draw.

18. Never in my life have I done any drug stronger than pot. Nope. No pills, no snort, no needles (heaven forbid).

19. High school was a means to an end. Nothing more.

20. When I’m nervous, ... instant diarrhea

21. One time at a family gathering we all got along, and had a wonderful time. That was long ago, in a far away galaxy. It's been so long, I wonder if that really happened, or I just imagine it did.

22. Take my advice: do not fall in love with a married man.

23. Making my bed is not always necessary. It's also one of my least favorite chores.

24. I’m almost always right. HA!

25. I’m addicted to cigarettes, and my new big screen.

26. I want someone to help me carry the load for awhile.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Not Really...


Not an alcoholic, just a former bartender who's been know to enjoy an occasional drink or ten.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Me And Elvis

Ha !

This was taken about 2 years ago. This guy's name is Mike, and I found him on the web when I went searching for Elvis impersonators to hire for a karaoke contest I was running. He was a hoot.

Look at me though !

Not bad for 47.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Another Case Of "Be Careful What You Wish For"

because you just may get it.

It's been 8 years that MW has been a part of my life. 8 years of the most dramatic ups and downs, tears and joy, happiness and heartbreak.

I loved him so deeply and so blindly that I lost myself. I allowed him to prance in and out of my life at his whims, mostly because I couldn't picture my life without him in it... no matter to what degree.

On Christmas Eve '05 he walked out of our home and my life without so much as a goodbye, with only the clothes on his back. When he was ready, he started coming around again. I allowed it. Fourteen months passed before he was ready to move back in. 14 months of being treated like shit, of being ignored, stood up, stalked, and well... being treated like shit.

At the end of the 14 months, and after I had met someone who perhaps could have been someone special in my life, after MW saw us together, he showed up on my doorstep and begged, cried, pleaded, and cried some more - and I'm talking real dime sized tears crying - asking to come back. I allowed it.

Now here we are, 11 months back into it, and I wish I'd had the strength 11 months ago to leave him out there on my doorstep in his tears. Now, I find myself at the mercy of his moods - whenever he decides that I'm a whore because I took up with someone else during those 14 months of his absence - whenever he decides that "he can't live with what I did" and he wants to punish me with his verbal and mental abuse.

I never ever thought I'd reach the point I'm at. I am so ready to be rid of him for once and for all, and forever.