The End Of Camelot

Unless you live in a cave, by now you've heard the news that Senator Kennedy has been diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer.
This news is infinitely sad to most politicaly junkies, the entire US Senate, and especially to those of us who live in Massachusetts.
The Kennedys are Massachusetts' own royalty. Our own personal kings & queens of everything un-ordinary.
No one can argue that the Kennedys have long suffered what most would agree is positively the worst luck imaginable; begining with war hero Joe, and right up through that sad, awful day when John-John and his bride crashed their plane into the Atlantic. It's as if a dark cloud of misery has followed this family for decades, but Ted was always the one to escape it. His son & daughter both beat cancer. He beat the Mary Jo Kopechne incident. He was granted an annullment from first wife Joan, even though she vehemently argued against it (which of course, left him to remain "in good standing" with the Catholic church.)
Yes, he has been spared the long suffering Kennedy curse - until now.
For me, I suppose at heart I am a liberal (although I don't often admit it out loud) and Ted's work for over 45 years in the Senate has been steady, and unfaltering. He is a bona fide, die-hard liberal. People have benefited from his position on the senate floor. I have to admit though, that I was thoroughly disappointed when he endorsed Obama. I can't figure that one.
Anyway, all of this hub-bub is causing me some personal inconvenience. Mass General is one of my customers, and I need to get in there - however - it's rather impossible at the moment. You might think there was royalty in there.
That's right...
There is !
Ive always wanted to have sex with Ted Kennedy. Nuff said.
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