Stellina (who doesn't want to be linked!)
When all else fails, make a list!
Here are 100 things about me. ME.
1. I am 46 yrs old
2. I was born on Halloween
3. I am a
quintessential Scorpio (with all it implies)
4. I am generous to a fault
5. I am therefore, often taken advantage of
6. I have a freakishly high I.Q. - 169
7. I am a member of Mensa
8. I have a dozen tattoos
9. I have been married 3 times
10. I am not embarrassed by that
11. I had a very lousy childhood
12. I don't use my lousy childhood as an excuse to fail
13. I have an older brother, and a younger sister
14. I haven't spoken to my sister in 3 years
15. I don't intend to speak to her ever again
16. I feel closer to certain friends than most of my family
17. I experienced my first broken heart at the age of 46
18. I travel extensively due to my job
19. I will retire at the age of 50
20. I will be a multi-millionaire when I retire
21. I am worth MUCH more dead, than alive
22. I am convinced I will die young
23. I've already lived longer than I expected to
24. I was molested as a child
25. I have 4 god-children
26. I haven't seen the youngest in 2 years
27. I love to sing
28. I weight 123 lbs, but when I look in the mirror, I see fat
29. I don't have an eating disorder
30. I drink Coors Light when I'm out drinking
31. I like to dance, but I don't because I'm self conscious
32. I lost the love of my life in 1987 to Cancer
33. I still miss him
34. I drive WAY WAY too fast
35. I am a terrible passenger & backseat driver
36. I can swim like a fish, but I have a fear of the water
37. I accelerated through high school & graduated at 15
38. I don't recommend doing that
39. I have 1 undergrad, and 3 post grad degrees; none of which I use in my job
40. I didn't finish paying off student loans until I was 42
41. I got married at 17 (the first time)
42. I don't regret not having children
43. I am a loyal friend
44. I am not a loyal wife
45. I am often mistaken for gay, but I don't know why
46. I am in the process of having 3 tattoos removed
47. I am unhappy more often than not
48. I know why, but as yet haven't found the strength to change things
49. I have a ferocious temper, but it takes a lot to get me there
50. I am slightly O.C.D.ish
51. I print like a typewriter. Small, even, perfectly uniform.
52. I have traveled to every state in the U.S. except Alaska, Idaho, & Nebraska
52. I have been to 12 European countries, and Japan
53. I hate traveling now
54. I love to ride my motorcycle, but everytime I get on it, I wonder if that's the day I'll die on it.
55. I've always been obssessed with death & dying
56. I at one time planned on being an undertaker
57. I have psychic abilities
58. I blame that on being born on Halloween
59. I am currently celibate by choice
60. I love New England Boiled Dinners. It's my favorite meal of all.
61. I truly enjoy DJ'g. DJ "S" is my alter ego
62. I believe I am a very VERY old soul
63. I believe that my karma is just about complete, and this is my last go-round
64. I have green eyes, but wear blue contacts
65. I'm looking into having a facelift
66. I smoke, but wish I didn't
67. I was completely faithful in my last relationship, for the first time in my life
68. I was treated like shit in return
69. I have all my teeth
70. I have a name tattooed on my lower back which I'm about to have covered up
71. I joined an online dating service
72. I have yet to meet anyone "normal" from it
73. I play 5 instruments
74. I pay my ex-husband alimony
75. I'm planning a trip to Florida to meet someone I've never spoken live to
76. I read Stellina's blog faithfully, because I was living vicariously through her antics.
77. I actually understand Einstein's theory of relativity - this makes me somewhat of a freak.
78. I once had a lesbian fall in love with me - I had no idea she was either gay, or in love with me
79. I broke her heart - and ended the friendship
80. I used to have a propensity for dating married men. I'm OVER that.
81. I've always been attracted to older men, and still am today
82. I have a friend who was once a prostitute, and she brags about it to everyone
83. I will not date black men
84. I gamble too much
85. I would like to get married one more time - for the last time
86. I am seriously thinking about leaving New England
87. I love Nashville, TN
88. I've always wanted to work for Disney
89. I am still operating on Windows 98 on my personal PC
90. I think Nexy & I knew each other in a previous life
91. I have seen ghosts
92. I will not allow an Ouija board in my house - they're evil, and I've seen one work
93. I eat only chocolate ice cream
94. I am a fantastic cook, but I refuse to cook for one
95. I don't have a primary care doctor. I need to get one.
96. I often wake up feeling badly hungover, even though I didn't drink the night before
97. I have a mean streak, which I work hard to keep squelched.
98. I have a memory like an elephant, and if you screwed me, I'll never forget it
99. I am fascinated with different religions
100.I read the bible for it's literary content, not it's religious content