Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Idea Stolen From.....

Stellina (who doesn't want to be linked!)

When all else fails, make a list!

Here are 100 things about me. ME.

1. I am 46 yrs old
2. I was born on Halloween
3. I am a quintessential Scorpio (with all it implies)
4. I am generous to a fault
5. I am therefore, often taken advantage of
6. I have a freakishly high I.Q. - 169
7. I am a member of Mensa
8. I have a dozen tattoos
9. I have been married 3 times
10. I am not embarrassed by that
11. I had a very lousy childhood
12. I don't use my lousy childhood as an excuse to fail
13. I have an older brother, and a younger sister
14. I haven't spoken to my sister in 3 years
15. I don't intend to speak to her ever again
16. I feel closer to certain friends than most of my family
17. I experienced my first broken heart at the age of 46
18. I travel extensively due to my job
19. I will retire at the age of 50
20. I will be a multi-millionaire when I retire
21. I am worth MUCH more dead, than alive
22. I am convinced I will die young
23. I've already lived longer than I expected to
24. I was molested as a child
25. I have 4 god-children
26. I haven't seen the youngest in 2 years
27. I love to sing
28. I weight 123 lbs, but when I look in the mirror, I see fat
29. I don't have an eating disorder
30. I drink Coors Light when I'm out drinking
31. I like to dance, but I don't because I'm self conscious
32. I lost the love of my life in 1987 to Cancer
33. I still miss him
34. I drive WAY WAY too fast
35. I am a terrible passenger & backseat driver
36. I can swim like a fish, but I have a fear of the water
37. I accelerated through high school & graduated at 15
38. I don't recommend doing that
39. I have 1 undergrad, and 3 post grad degrees; none of which I use in my job
40. I didn't finish paying off student loans until I was 42
41. I got married at 17 (the first time)
42. I don't regret not having children
43. I am a loyal friend
44. I am not a loyal wife
45. I am often mistaken for gay, but I don't know why
46. I am in the process of having 3 tattoos removed
47. I am unhappy more often than not
48. I know why, but as yet haven't found the strength to change things
49. I have a ferocious temper, but it takes a lot to get me there
50. I am slightly O.C.D.ish
51. I print like a typewriter. Small, even, perfectly uniform.
52. I have traveled to every state in the U.S. except Alaska, Idaho, & Nebraska
52. I have been to 12 European countries, and Japan
53. I hate traveling now
54. I love to ride my motorcycle, but everytime I get on it, I wonder if that's the day I'll die on it.
55. I've always been obssessed with death & dying
56. I at one time planned on being an undertaker
57. I have psychic abilities
58. I blame that on being born on Halloween
59. I am currently celibate by choice
60. I love New England Boiled Dinners. It's my favorite meal of all.
61. I truly enjoy DJ'g. DJ "S" is my alter ego
62. I believe I am a very VERY old soul
63. I believe that my karma is just about complete, and this is my last go-round
64. I have green eyes, but wear blue contacts
65. I'm looking into having a facelift
66. I smoke, but wish I didn't
67. I was completely faithful in my last relationship, for the first time in my life
68. I was treated like shit in return
69. I have all my teeth
70. I have a name tattooed on my lower back which I'm about to have covered up
71. I joined an online dating service
72. I have yet to meet anyone "normal" from it
73. I play 5 instruments
74. I pay my ex-husband alimony
75. I'm planning a trip to Florida to meet someone I've never spoken live to
76. I read Stellina's blog faithfully, because I was living vicariously through her antics.
77. I actually understand Einstein's theory of relativity - this makes me somewhat of a freak.
78. I once had a lesbian fall in love with me - I had no idea she was either gay, or in love with me
79. I broke her heart - and ended the friendship
80. I used to have a propensity for dating married men. I'm OVER that.
81. I've always been attracted to older men, and still am today
82. I have a friend who was once a prostitute, and she brags about it to everyone
83. I will not date black men
84. I gamble too much
85. I would like to get married one more time - for the last time
86. I am seriously thinking about leaving New England
87. I love Nashville, TN
88. I've always wanted to work for Disney
89. I am still operating on Windows 98 on my personal PC
90. I think Nexy & I knew each other in a previous life
91. I have seen ghosts
92. I will not allow an Ouija board in my house - they're evil, and I've seen one work
93. I eat only chocolate ice cream
94. I am a fantastic cook, but I refuse to cook for one
95. I don't have a primary care doctor. I need to get one.
96. I often wake up feeling badly hungover, even though I didn't drink the night before
97. I have a mean streak, which I work hard to keep squelched.
98. I have a memory like an elephant, and if you screwed me, I'll never forget it
99. I am fascinated with different religions
100.I read the bible for it's literary content, not it's religious content


At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fascinating! Thanks for sharing. Would love to know more about your psychic abilities and your ghostly encounters.

Jos (I cannot remember my freakin' password)

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Sybil said...


Go to blogger.com and request to reset your password.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger L said...

insightful. you've been through a lot!
care to elaborate on #83?

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Jos said...

I was using the incorrect username! Geez! I am suffering from a serious case of CRS. Got it now, though. Yay!

At 3:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you allow anoymous comments, cos I dont wanna have to register.:0

You're a pretty darn interesting person...
-why did you end your friendship with your lesbian friend? But maybe it was better for her...

-what 5 instruments do u play? I play none, I sing:)

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I know so much more about you after reading this list.

How did you join Mensa? (I find it ironic that Mensa means dummy in Spanish)

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Sybil said...

I'm glad you feel that you know me better now. Of course, I could have gone on & on. I guess 200 things about me would have achievable!

It's funny that Mensa means dummy in Spanish. Actually, the word is Latin; it means table. There's a long story about why "table," but suffice to say, it has to do with the intention of Mensa founders wanting an organization where people of high IQ's could gather "around a table" and discuss things... free of political agendas, or racial stress, etc.

In order to belong to Mensa, you need to take one of their approved tests, and score in the top 2% of the general population. That's it. There are no other age, or income, or other requirements. Just score in the top 2%.

Some people who belong to Mensa have IQ's higher than mine, others have IQ's lower than mine, but all members are in the top 2% of the general population. (How they determine WHAT the general population's IQ is, is quite frankly, beyond me.)

At 7:58 AM, Blogger Sybil said...


I ended the friendship with the lesbian because I was too uncomfortable knowing that she had romantic feelings for me, and I knew I'd never reciprocate. I couldn't just "hang out" with her any more.

The 5 instruments I play are; guitar, bass, banjo, steel pedal guitar, and keyboards.

At 12:06 AM, Blogger nexy said...

52. I have traveled to every state in the U.S. except Alaska, Idaho, & Nebraska

i've been to nebraska. the state motto: "nebraska; bring something to do".

"The 5 instruments I play are; guitar, bass, banjo, steel pedal guitar, and keyboards."

i think i may have been you, and you me, in a previous life. i also play (or used to - i always say that i used to be a musician, but now i'm just an instrument owner) guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, and the recorder. all my life, i've had this compulsion to play steel pedal guitar - now i know why.

54. I love to ride my motorcycle, but everytime I get on it, I wonder if that's the day I'll die on it.

i think that i'll either die on a motocycle, or in a plane crash - either way, i know that i'll die in fire. i think i'd rather die on a motorcycle - it's closer to the ground, and carries much less fuel. and besides, they are so much more fun to ride than a plane. and so far, it's the only activity i've found that's actually better than sex.

87. I love Nashville, TN

this was my second choice of places to live, after phoenix, az, where i am now.

you know, if we actually meet, it might set off some kind of matter/anti-matter annihilation thing. perhaps that's the fire i see in my own death.


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