In Answer To Lisa......
Lisa posted a comment to my "100 Things" list:
Writer said...
insightful. you've been through a lot!
care to elaborate on #83?
#83 says, "I will not date black men."
Interesting that you zeroed in on this Lisa. Interesting because in the past, I've questioned myself on this too. My neverending question to myself is, "Sybil, are you a racist because of your dating preferences?"
After years of introspect, the answer is a resounding No. I am in fact, not racist. The truth of the matter is, I am simply not attracted to black men; in much the same way that I'm not attracted to blonde, or redheaded men.
Why then, one could ask, didn't you note that you will not date blonde, or redheaded men in your list?
That's a fair question.
The answer is, because stating publicly that I will not date black men relieves me of my self imposed guilt for not wanting to date black men.
Does that not make sense? Let me try to explain...
To my way of thinking, if I have no qualms about freely admitting that I won't date a black man, then I most certainly must NOT be racist, and am simply stating a dating preference.
...... Me thinks I doth protest too much.......
Which brings me back to my age old nagging question.....
Am I a racist?
I hope not.
You’re not a racist, it’s just a preference as you have stated. Being that I am half Black. I always told myself I would never date Black man. I did and proved myself even further as to why I will never date a black man again.
i tried to word my question in a non accusatory way since i figured you had a valid reason. isnt it interesting how we try and justify things even to ourselves, instead of just trusting our own intuition?
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