Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Catchin' Up

Well... here it is Monday, and I'm draggin' ass like you read about. I think it's abundantly clear that I overdid it this weekend. Too much food, too much beer, too much everything.

This morning I had to get up at the crack of dawn to take my Dupree to his first day on the new job. He has 3 weeks of training - days. 7:30-3:30. Then after that he starts his regular shift- 1:30-10pm. That I can deal with much easier.

He & I are both waiting (impatiently) for that apartment to become vacant... the one that's right near his job. When it becomes available, he's OUTTA HERE... and we won't be lettin' the screen door hit him in the ass on the way out.

After I got back from delivering Baby Huey to work, the Ex (Quasi) called needing a ride to drop off his truck for brakes. I picked him up and delivered him to his destination, then he called back and said he needed another ride to go get the truck at noon. I just got back from THAT jaunt.

It seems like that's all I'm doing today- playing taxi!

Yesterday I was supposed to meet Stellina & her husband to go on a motorcycle ride. I never got there. Instead, I had WAY too much to drink at the birthday party I went to first, and then..... forget it, no way could I ride a bike. In fact, it wasn't until an hour ago that I even realized she had called me yesterday. Talk about being out of it! Sorry girl!

Today the weather's not so great. Hot & humid, and looking like rain any second. Can't take the bike out in this. I hate getting caught in the rain on the bike. It hurts!

I have some live nibbles on my dating service thing again. What's funny is, this morning I got an email from this dude I went to high school with. I recognized him, but he didn't recognize me (probably because I don't post a picture!)... and I had to laugh because I couldn't stand the prick then - I sure as hell ain't interested now... 30 years later. Pfft! But there are 3 or 4 others that I'm kind of interested in. So, we'll see what this week brings.

I've got a trip this week to Cincinnati. When I get back from that, I'm going to plan the trip to Florida to meet the Captain. I'll fill you in.

Saturday night I was invited to the officer's club at the Newport Naval Base. Wooohooo! Talk about an over abundance of hunky hotties. And all of them officers! My my my... I sure had a good time. That's all I'm sayin' about Saturday night.

Well.... I've got 2.5 hours until Sybil's taxi service needs to go and pick up Dupree. Think I'll use the time to take a well needed nap.



At 12:52 PM, Blogger L said...

ooo officers!!

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Jos said...

Hopefully, you received some good tips. . .


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