Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bleh !

Man! This heat has me so I don't want to do a blessed thing. Even sitting still in front of the air conditioner it's hot!

My Dupree is STILL here.
This is the sum total of his day:
1. Get up at the crack of noon.
2. Stink out the bathroom.
3. Feed his face.
4. Plop his immenseness on my poor living room chair.
5. Channel surf ad-nauseam.
6. Feed his face.
7. Channel surf some more.
8. Feed his face.
9. Go to bed.

And it's exactly the same, without variation, day in and day out. I'm ready to commit murder!

This morning I got out early and went apartment hunting for him (because LORD KNOWS he won't do it himself.) I found something perfect. A ten minute walk from his job, nice one floor applianced - heat & electricity included. $775.00 per month. I think it's perfect... only thing is, it won't be available until the end of September.

My FRIGGIN' LORD! How am I going to make it til the end of September?

Meanwhile, my personal life is just as boring and messed up as it was the last time I blogged. Yay me.

I'm still planning on making that trip to Florida, but it looks like it's going to have to wait until September due to work schedule conflicts.

My buddy's back in Acushnet, so I'm going to TRY to get together with her & her husband for a motorcycle ride this Sunday... weather permitting.

I just renewed my subscription to Match. Things are considerably slower for me there than they were the first time around. I'll chalk it up to everyone being busy and active because it's summer. Although, with this heat, I can't fathom how anyone could want to do anything except lay flat on their back and try not to generate more heat! Shit... even blogs are not being updated. It's just too damn hot for anything.


At 11:02 PM, Blogger L said...

i saw an episode of I Love Lucy today in which Lucy and Ethel staged a fake murder to get rid of an unwanted tenent. Reminded me of your situation. Are his nerves poor? worth a try, I say ;)


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