Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Doin' The Tag Thing...

Nexy tagged me, and being that I'm not one to drop the ball... here goes:

A- Available or Single? Single - but alas, unavailable.
B- Best Friend. None - I am an island.
C- Cake or Pie. Cake. Devil's Food with traditional white frosting.
D- Drink of Choice. Coors Light, or Diet Pepsi with lemon.
E- Essential Item. My cell phone OF COURSE.
F- Favorite Color. Emerald green.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms. No thanks.
H- Hometown. South Dartmouth, Massachusetts.
I- Indulgence. Smoking, sleeping late, beer, ... oh, and GAMBLING!
J- January or February. January - that means the friggin' holidays are finally over.
K- Kids. Nope.
L- Life is incomplete without… The one you love.
M- Marriage Date. Which time? 1st 9/2/78 2nd 4/23/85 3rd 2/3/90
N- Number of Siblings? 2 An older brother and a younger sister.
O- Oranges or Apples? apples - Apples.
P- Phobias/Fears. Drowning, spiders, tunnels.
Q- Favorite Quote. "I know not with what weapons World War 3 will be fought; but I do know that World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein.
R- Reasons to smile. A nice surprise, A winning lottery ticket, A sincere compliment.
S- Season Summer
T- Tag Three. Stacey, Jared, Jos
U- Unknown Fact About Me. If I told you, I'd have to kill you.
V – Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals. Oppressor of Animals, TYVM.
W- Worst Habit. Smoking, or Avoiding confrontation.
X – X-rays or Ultrasounds. X-Rays - much faster & easier.
Y- Your Favorite Foods Steak, Lobster, Chocolate,Creme Broule .
Z- Zodiac. Scorpio - Totally, Completely, 100% Scorpio.

Friday Five (on Saturday Morning...EARLY)

Thanks to Stacey for reminding me about the Friday Five. If you don't know Stacey, go read her HERE.

1. Who was your first crush?Well, my very first crush was my uncle Bob. I think I was about 4 or 5, and to me he was just the diggity bomb. You couldn't pry me off his lap! Otherwise, my first boyfriend crush was Louie.

2. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?Um... I am such an extrovert. E X T R O V E R T !

3. What is your favorite non-sexual thing you like to do with the love of your life?I just love to lie beside him, in the crook of his arm and breathe his scent.

4. Name one quirky habit your partner does that either annoys you, or makes you grin.Every day he asks me what color my panties are. Makes me grin!

5. Do you believe in monogamous relationships?Yes I do. Are they easy to achieve? No, they're not. I am ready for monogamy though.

Friday, April 06, 2007


I finally accepted that I can't solve my issues by myself.

I always thought that therapy was for the weak. (Sorry to those of you who have been in therapy... but I'm just being honest.) But I finally came to realize that there are some motivaters which make me do things, decide things, feel things, which I don't understand; and more importantly, I don't like.

So, I'm in therapy. My therapist is a very nice man named Doug. I like him well enough, except he has one eye that travels, and I never know which eye to look into when I'm bearing my soul to him. This is rather maddening, but I'm sure I can manage.

The foremost burning question in my mind is, how can a person take a horrific beating from someone, and still love that person?

I don't know what the answer is, but I'm hoping to find out.

In other news, Mr. New is history.

I tried to get along. Tried to ignore the fact that as the days went by, he was consistently irritating me more and more. I tried to keep in my mind that although it wasn't love, it wasn't bad. But, he just isn't the guy for me. No other way to put it. To be honest, I'm not sure there is a "guy for me."

Last night was the frosting on the cake. I won't go into details, but let's just say that something very minor gave me a raging case of Red Ass, and I just let it rip. He called me twice after that, and both times I just tore him apart. This morning, he called again and asked if I was still mad at him. I told him I wasn't, but that nothing's changed. I told him he's just a crotchedy, cantankerous old coot, and I can't be bothered with his pissy attitudes... millions or no millions.

Nah... there isn't enough money in the world to make me put up with his old man shit. Not to mention ... (Jared, close your eyes...) I am not IN.THE.LEAST. attracted to him in a sexual way, and in fact, the mere thought of anything physical with him, repulses me. So there. I said it. Good Bye Mr. Buck and a Quarter.