No Good News
Let me give a list of the recent crap that's rained down on me lately.
1. I have the. worst. headcold. I can ever remember.
2. My pap smear results were abnormal.
3. I had an endometrial biopsy last week, and it was horrifyingly painful.
4. On January 22nd, I must go in for a D&C to rule out uterine cancer.
5. My nephew was in a car accident tonight and totalled his car.
All in all it's been a shitty couple of weeks.
Unrelated to the above, I want to say how proud I am of my friend Stacey who is 4 days post-op gastric bypass surgery. You're on your way Stace!
I also want to say that her husband is apparently an insensitive baffoon.
hope you're feeling better. {{{{{{{hugz}}}}}}}
Aww man, 2007 is sucking for a lot of us!
Sorry to hear about your troubles, and sincerely hope everything turns out ok for you. How is your nephew?
Please keep me posted.
hope your troubles start to turn around and bring you good things instead.
by the way, i feel entitled to a Sybil blog mention since i GAVE BIRTH and it hurt like hell. just sayin. ;)
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