My New Year's Eve ... Oy!
Well, let me begin by saying two things. 1) I haven't been out on New Year's Eve since 2000. And 2) It's 9:20am 1/1/07 and I have one mofo of a hangover.
So, there's a group of people who come to my weekend karaoke shows every weekend faithfully. They're usually 5 couples. A few months ago, one of the couples stopped showing up. Then, suddenly the male half of that couple started showing up alone.
Fast forward to two weeks ago. Above mentioned said half-couple asked me if I had plans for New Year's Eve. I said no (because ... well... I didn't.) He asked if I cared to join him along with the other 4 couples for a New Year's party there at the club where I play. Being that I was into about Coors Light #6 (or 7?) by that time, I said "Yeah... why not!)
Ok, fast forward to last night. If I do say so myself, I really pulled out all the stops. I spent hours straightening my hair. I wore the quintessential little black dress, the "fuck me" shoes, the right evening makeup. I gotta say... Sybil looked hot!
So, we're sitting there and we're talking. Now, I knew this guy wasn't exactly poor, but I had NO idea exactly how not poor he is. As the night continues I discover several things.
A. This guy's a multi-millionaire
B. This guy drinks too much
C. This guy thinks I'm his childhood bedtime stuffed teddy bear
D. This guy is a dancing fool
E. This guy is MUCH too old for me
Let me try to synopsize our conversation for you...
Him: Will you come to the Bahamas with me for a few weeks in February?
Me: No, I have to work.
Him: Will you come to Daytona Bike Week with me in February?
Me: No, I have to work.
Him: Will you go to Florida with me for a few weeks in March?
Me: No, I have to work.
Him: Will you have dinner with me Thursday night?
Me: No, I have to work.... oh, you mean here? Locally? Yeah, ok.
Meanwhile, even though it was about 2am when I got in, I had to take a long hot shower so I could get his paw prints off me. I felt like there wasn't a single spot he didn't put his hand.... I HATE THAT.
don't go to dinner with this asshat!
(i love saying the word asshat. it makes me giggle)
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