Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

You've GOT To Be Kidding Me !

Yesterday I was catching up on some blog reading. Among the many 9/11 posts, there was a very poignant first-hand account of 9/11/2001, written by a very talented blogger from NYC.

As I read the post, (which was filled with this blogger's photos of the actual mayhem)I felt as though I were actually there... in the chaos, in a state of confusion and fear. It was an amazing post.

Then I opened the comments... of which there were 48 (as of yesterday.) Among the comments, this one was posted:

"No, no one should ever forget the horror of 3,000 people dieing in the US during the attacks on 911. Nor should Americans forget that they killed 80,000 civilians in Hiroshima during the largest terrorist attack of all time. We should learn from both tragedies."

I read this comment and thought to myself, "Are you fucking kidding? Who in their right mind can compare ending World War II, to Bin Laden's unprovoked attack on the U.S."

I'm no history major, but if I recall my high school sophmore year, I'm pretty sure I read that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor which brought our fighting beyond Hitler & the Nazi's and fighting to save all of Europe from genocide, into Japan for well deserved retalliation.

And maybe I'm crazy but, if Truman hadn't had the cajones to drop that bomb, who's to say how much longer the U.S. would have been embroiled in battle on two continents? Americans dying in Europe and Asia to save the world from two evil madmen?

How can Hiroshima and 9/11 EVER be compared?

What I want to know is, what the fuck was that commentor thinking???


At 1:42 PM, Blogger nexy said...

well that's just it - that commentor was *not* thinking...


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