Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Supernatural ~ The First Incident

I mentioned in my "100 Things" post that I have supernatural abilities. Jos has been patiently waiting for me to elaborate on that statement, soooo without further adieu, here are some accounts of incidents which have happened to me over the years.

The first memory I have of something strange happening goes all the way back to when i was 7 years old. It has to do with my mother (not to be confused with my Stepmother; who is thankfully still alive and well.)

My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 2. She lingered a painful 5 years, dwindling down to less than 70 pounds, before she finally died a horrible death in 1967, when I was 7 years old.

Two days before she died, I was outside in our backyard. There was about a foot of snow on the ground. As I was tramping around in the snow, as 7 year olds do, I focused on a lump there and decided to go investigate. As I dug around in the snow, I found my mother's blue cat-eye glasses (I can still see them in my mind's eye like it was yesterday.) This was odd because even though she was deathly ill, she never EVER took her glasses off. She couldn't see without them. Yet there they were, buried in the snow. How they got there, to this day, nobody knows. Anyway, I put them in my coat pocket, and proceeded to bring them to her in her sickbed.

When I walked into her bedroom, she looked at me, and I was a little wigged out to see that she had her blue cat-eye glasses on her face. She asked what I wanted, so I reached into my pocket to give her the glasses, but they weren't there.

I guess the look on my face must have said much because she asked me what the matter was, and I told her that I found her glasses outside buried in the snow, and I had them in my pocket to give her, but now they were gone. She got very upset, and started to cry... at which point my dad came and shoo'd me out of the room.

Two days later, she died. December 4, 1967.

The night of her death, I was asleep in my mom & dad's bed. Sound asleep. My dad was sitting up at the kitchen table with all my mom's brother's & sisters (presumably planning her funeral.) Suddenly, I felt ... something .... an unexplainable something that woke me from my sound sleep. I opened my eyes, and there, sitting on the bed beside me, was my mother. She was just sort of looking at me. She wasn't sick looking at all, and it's really strange because I had no memory of what she looked like before she got sick. But there she was, looking healthy and robust. She smiled at me, and told me she loved me, and would always watch over me. And before I could say anything, she simply faded away.

I got up out of bed, and went to the kitchen where everybody was gathered and proceed to tell them all, "Mommy just left. She told me she loves me." Well, naturally, they all wigged out and pretty much shook their heads in that "oh you poor little thing" kinda way. I wasn't the least bit scared, upset, or anything other than peaceful and very calm. They, however, were not.

One month after her funeral, there was a memorial mass at her church. This church had a prayer rail at the very front, just below the altar, where the nuns usually took residence for their daily prayers. We (the family) were seated about 4 rows back from that prayer rail.

So, I'm sitting there between my dad, and my grandmother, and I say to my dad... "Dad, why is that lady kneeling at the rail between the nuns?"
He says, "What lady?"
I say, "That lady there. She has short brown hair and a suede coat."
My grandmother pipes up and says, "You see a lady there at the alter with short brown hair, and a suede coat?"
I said, "Yes. Don't you?"
My dad says, "What does the suede coat look like?"
So I describe the coat.
NOW... they both turn milk white, and my dad says, "That's your mom."

To me, it made perfect sense, because I had already seen her after her death, so I waws not at all upset by it. The lady at the altar never turned around, and she never moved while I was in the church. She just knelt there perfectly still.

Later that day, at the kitchen table, my dad & grandmother were telling my aunts & uncles (who were sitting behind us in church) what had happened.

My dad said, "She described the suede coat I gave Eileen when were dating. That coat has been long gone for years... Sybil never saw that coat."

To be continued


At 8:37 PM, Blogger Jos said...

Sybil, thank you so much for sharing. I am a firm believer that there is a "world" beyond ours. I, too, have have my share of unexplainable incidences. Unfortunately, I just feel the precence; I have never actually seen. . .

At 12:44 PM, Blogger L said...

i've had some crazy stuff happen to me too. mabye someday i will post some of the experiences. i'm always afraid i will sound like a kook though.

At 11:47 PM, Blogger Jos said...

Writer: Please share your stories. I have always been fascinated by the supernatural. As a kid, I had this obsession with Uri Geller. I think I was able to bend a spoon. . .

Stelinna: Me too! They don't want me to see them.

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dreamt of my grandfather a few days after his dealth. He told me to stay strong that the family needed my strength. I know it was him. I believe the dead come back to visit us. I also believe they become our guardian angel. To this day, I'll be walking down the street, and I will smell him, and no one is around.


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