Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Gonna Do Somethin' Crazy

Visiting here and reading me frequently, (with the exception of Stellina, who knows me in person,) do you get a sense of who I am and what I'm like? Do you get a feel for my level of common sense?

Do you think I'm level-headed, or do you think I'm impulsive, and impetuous?

Well, whatever you think, I've made up my mind to do something completely out of character, and possibly quite crazy.

I'm jumping on a plane, headed to Florida to visit someone I've never met.

Don't try to talk me out of it. I'm going.

Remember negative optimism? .....

I know it's crazy, but at least it's risky!


At 5:30 PM, Blogger L said...


At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who who who who....tell me!!!!!!!!

At 8:20 PM, Blogger AlmstHvn said...

I hope you have a blast :)

At 10:44 PM, Blogger Crazybeautiful said...

Risk are good...can;t wait to read all about it.

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Jos said...

Holy shittake mushrooms!

I am heading to Florida to also (among other things) meet someone I have never met in person. Is not you, right? lol! When are you going? I could make this a double. . .

At 11:05 PM, Blogger Sybil said...

Wow! Glad to see you again Almsthvn... how's life treating you?

Sassy... LOL, you're cute. His name is Mark, He's a charter boat captain. Cute as all get out.

Lisa, should I take those exclamation points as surprise, or what?

Jos... I guarantee, you're not going to Florida to meet me! LOL. He gets back from Alaska the end of this week. When he does, we'll coordinate. I have to be in Cincinnati on Aug 10th, but otherwise, I'll bet it'll be the 3rd week in August.

Crazybeautiful, you're right. Risks are good, and I don't take enough of them.

At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crazy? Yes. But I hope you have a really great time. Also, I hope you tell us all about it when you return.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger nexy said...

having hopped on a plane to arizona to meet someone i never met in person before and agree to stay in his house for a week during that visit a mere 2 years ago, i'd have to say no, you are as sane as me.

on the other hand, there are a good number of people who would think of me as crazy.

be that as it may, hope you have a good time :)


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