Other Than That.......
Lordy Lordy... it's been 4 months since I've written. I had difficulty remembering my password even. Geesh!
Although I don't often write, I still catch up with everyone's blogs pretty frequently; even though I find myself pressed for time and unable to comment most of the time.
I wish this post was filled with a ton of wonderful happy things which have happened since we last visited. Unfortunately, that's just not the case. In fact, the shit pile that my life has become just continues to grow deeper. I won't bore you with all the sordid details but suffice to say, one of my best friends is dying of brain cancer (and I'm her health care proxy... which means I never get a break from that bad news), my mother has some frightful health issues going on right now, I'm still stuck holding the bag supporting my brother who, by the way, seems to be getting fatter... (can't figure that one out!)
MW has been living in my home since April 9th, '07. In general, things are ok, however, things are only ok if I leave my head in the sand and accept the path of least resistance; which, if you know any Scorpios at all, you know taking the path of least resistance is counter intuitive to our nature. In fact, we're much more apt to take the path not yet cleared, nevermind the one that's uphill.
Some things never change. Sunday, we had an encounter of the horrific kind thanks to MW's beast - affectionately refered to by yours truly as GODZILLA. Have I mentioned how utterly fucking nuts that woman is? Right there in the buffet restaurant at Foxwoods Casino, right at my dinner table. I'll just tell you one quick exchange which I'm still patting myself on the back about...
She said, "Aren't you dead yet?"
I said, "Aren't you? You certainly look it."
She said, "Pfft! I look a lot better than you do." (Catty, I know)
I said, "Ha! In whose magic mirror?"
Touche Sybil!
Anyway, it's been a while since I'd seen her that up close, and whooaaa, let me tell you, time has not been kind to the Godzilla beast. But needless to say, my meal was ruined. I was beside myself, and couldn't believe that a woman who's about to turn 60 could be so "Jerry Springer" ... so white trash ... so uncouth & classless.
I came to the conclusion the only way that monster is going to become a non-issue in my life is if I up and move FAR FAR away. Truthfully, once my mother's health issues straighten out, I will be requesting a transfer. And it can't happen soon enough.
So... as they say, "Other than that Mrs. Kennedy, how did you like Dallas?"
Other than all that, here I am, still paddling that leaky boat up shit's creek.
And how are you?
Hey there lady,
So happy you blogged. I was wondering how you were. Sorry about the shit storms. . .so far 2008 sucks for me, but hey. . .I'm still alive.
Now how could you go to Foxwood's and not tell me?
Bad, bad, bad Sybil:)
santa fe....
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