Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Tilted Uterus ... Or TMI - You Decide

So my friend's, (we'll call her Jane) husband joined the Navy. We'll call him Frank. Frank is all of 5 feet tall, and not an inch taller.

Frank left for basic training the second week of December; two months after he married Jane.

Last weekend, Frank graduated from basic and Jane went to Illinois to spend 5 days with him.

Last night I saw Jane. Our conversation went like this:

Me: So, how was your visit with Frank?
J: OH. MY. GOD. !
Me: That good?
J: Wellll, when I got back I had to go to the emergency room.
Me: Why?
J: I ended up with a tilted uterus. It hurt soooo bad!
Me: A whaaa?
J: Sybil, I'm not kidding you. We did it so much and so hard, he moved my uterus out of place.
Me: Um... Er...
J: Well, God had to make him short somewhere, but it isn't THERE.
Me: Oh. Um... Er...
J: This is the second time this has happened. This time, they put a couple of stitches in to prevent it from moving again.
Me: Um... uh....
J: Yeah... every time we do it doggy style, I'm a hurting unit for like... EVER.
Me: So Jane, how's your mom?

Post Script:
I will never look at Frank the same again. I swear.


At 3:13 PM, Blogger nexy said...

i guess that's one advantage of being trans - no uterus to tilt. but anyway, ouch.

At 6:52 PM, Blogger AlmstHvn said...

I vote for TMI.
crikey !

I hate it when people brag (and it's not me). LOL!

Hi Sybil!

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Crazybeautiful said...

Totally off subject, but I was in Rhodie this past weekend, there was a bar, there was karaoke and I thought of you.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger L said...

i agree with stacey. i also have a tilted U, and it wasn't because of sex! kind of shady...


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