Devilishly Handsome Lurker

I have a devilishly handsome lurker.
He promised me he wouldn't lurk, but lurk he does.
I'm quite sure he wasn't too happy when he inadvertantly spilled the beans that he's been reading my blog, but hey... just goes to prove, you're not as smart as you think you are heh? LOL
Cute though, isn't he?
Teeheehee... remind me to post some "Before" and "After" pictures. LOL
Remember the day the goose bit your finger? LOL
Good god I hate when I do that, and I hate that damned Goose even more. It hurt!!!! And, by the way, after I thought about it; you DID call him Mr.New at the dinner table.. and it didn't register 'til after the fact. But in any event.. we need to update that photo because according to recent feedback, I look like a killer in my old(er) age. I don't like it :(
As attractive as my butt may be, try to make sure the "before" photos have clothes on, and the "After" photos have even more clothes on. :)
Jared... come to Mama. heeheehee
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