I Don't Miss Them
So I'm in a coffee shop yesterday, and the waitress asks me how I'm doing since my surgery? Before I could answer, the woman sitting two seats away says, "Oh, you just had surgery too? I just had a hysterectomy. What kind of surgery did you have?" I said, "the same."
Now mind you, I'm not particularly looking to trade war stories with a stranger. Also, based on listening to people talk, I'm convinced that half of everybody over 40, two-thirds of everybody over 50, and all of everybody over 60 has had this done... So, what up?
But I digress.
The woman two seats away... suddenly she wants to commiserate. She wants to discuss some the nastiest "side effects" she's having. Wants to compare notes. I don't.
To me it's personal and private, and I don't want to talk about this stuff. So, I nod now and then and try to keep my eyes trained on my newspaper.
Then she wants to talk about not being whole anymore, and feeling like less than a woman.
I have to tell you, I totally cannot relate to this.
Perhaps it's because I never had children, never wanted them in the first place. I don't know. But this woman was lamenting the loss of her reproductive organs so woefully, I really didn't know what to say. I mean, she kept asking me to agree with her about how horrible it is to be half a woman, unable to have babies, etc...
I could not. And I told her so.
What I said instead was, "Hey, the way I see it along with my reproductive organs went monthly periods, bloating, and cramping. Not to mention a cancer that was trying to kill me. So no. I don't miss those organs whatsoever."
Blunt, but effective!
i'd tend to agree with you. its interesting how many women wrap up their self worth with their ability to have children. especially absurd if the woman you were speaking with was a bit *older*. its like, would she even have a baby at this stage? probably not.
the important thing is that you are healthy and on the road to recovery. good vibes and energy are being sent from the southwest :)
I thought I'd feel less of a woman when I had my tubes tied... but the Novasure makes me really happy... no more period? Yay!!
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