Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Dilemna Of A Sort

My nephew called me last night. He told me he has a blog, and gave me the address. It's right here at blogspot (oh big surprise), so naturally I went and read it. Why else would he tell me about it if he didn't want me to read it, right?

So, I was surprised by many of the entries he posted. In some cases, I was surprised by his comical humor, and in other cases I was surprised by his obvious hurt feelings about his mother (my sister)... who, by the way, is a worthless waste of space.

So, I want to comment and show him support, but I DO NOT want him finding this blog because I just don't want him privvy to some of the information contained herein... ya know?

I know you'll say to comment anonymously, but believe me, he'll track me down by my IP address. He's an internet 007... trust me. If I let him in my world, I'll have to self censor, which I really don't want to do. Otherwise, I don't know... I just think there are some things better left unsaid between him and me. Like...ABOUT MY LOVE LIFE for instance!



At 7:29 PM, Blogger Jos said...

Can you visit a cyber-cafe and post anonymously from there?

At 3:46 PM, Blogger L said...

hmmm. i used to let family members have access to my ramblings, but then found that there was a whole lot i couldnt ever say.
why not tell him in person/over the phone that you support him?

At 7:13 PM, Blogger aliciarose said...

I agree with Lisa, since he called you to tell you about the blog, then maybe you can call him and voice your support.

I'm with ya on the whole privacy thing. That's an important one.


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