I Wonder.....

I always wanted to do New Orleans in a big touristy way. I've been there a few times, but always on business, and never had enough time to look under rocks and peek around corners.
I wonder if Katrina left Marie's grave unmarred?
I mean, think about it... the way bodies are buried there, like 4 deep and very close to the surface? I wonder how many decrepit corpses floated down the bayou after Katrina.
I am fascinated with Voodoo. Fascinated with the mystique of Marie Laveau. Fascinated with the idea of zombies. There are learned men of science who swear they exist. Of course, they also have a multitude of scientific explanations for them, but if you ask me... anybody who can resurface after being buried alive for days, weeks, and months, and still walk the earth, defies any scientific explanation.
I regret never making the time to vacation in New Orleans, but I am resolute to get there anyway. Maybe this fall.
i've been to new orleans twice. once on business and once with a group of friends for a weekend adventure. the business trip was, well, mostly business. i did get to walk around burbon street for an hour or so, and we ate somewhere - funny thing is i don't remember where or what.
the weekend trip was way more fun. i was with a large group of friends, and we made quite the scene when we all strutted down the street - people actually stopped and took our picture, as if we somehow represented the new orleans environment. though i guess for that weekend, we kinda did.
i remember going into a "voodoo" store, where they had all kinds of creepy and exotic voodoo type magical things for sale. frankly, i was kinda scared in there, even though i have some exposure to the magic of the world, being wiccan and all. the vibe there just seemed so real and intense.
anyway, i really hope they're able to rebuild the city to its former glory - what an incredible and unique place.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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