Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

How Do You Make A Hormone? (Don't Pay Her)

I'm very sorry. Yes, I know it's distasteful, but I have to talk about it.

Those nasty little prickly bastards. No matter how you keep after them, no matter how vigilant you are, no matter .... NO FUCKING MATTER !

Chin hairs! I hate fucking chin hairs.

And, guess what? I had a chat with the doctor about them. (Yes... I am THAT vain!)

Know what the doctor said? He said, "Sybil (chuckling), it's a function of aging. Relax. Buy some tweazers."

Buy some tweazers! Is he for real? I have one in the living room, two in the bathroom, one in my bedroom, and one in the car (Hey, you can't beat natural sunlight for tweazing hair.

Yes ladies... this is one more malady we can blame on hormones. As we age, our estrogen level wanes, thus allowing testosterone levels to elevate (which would explain this sudden explosion of libido!) With increased testosterone, comes FUCKING CHIN HAIRS.

I hate getting old.


At 9:47 AM, Blogger nexy said...

i could talk for hours about unwanted hairs. i'll spare you the details and say one word - electrolysis.

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Sybil said...

I know, I know! As I was writing that post, believe it or not, I thought of you and the many electrolysis posts you made!!

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's always wax :-D

At 8:10 PM, Blogger nexy said...

interestingly enough, i was at work today sitting in my car during a break, and i looked in the mirror. of course, the sun is really strong and bright, and one can see every imperfection in ones face. anyway, i see this one hair, toward the side of my neck - it must have been like an inch and half long. i wonder how it got to be so long without me noticing it sooner.


fortunately, i haven't been to electrolysis for well over a year. even though i get a hair like that every now and again, i'm definately done. when they do pop up, i just pluck 'em out - if i happen to notice them...

At 7:34 PM, Blogger L said...

oh dear.....

At 10:17 PM, Blogger Sybil said...

Thank you Stellina. Thank you very much. I shall be sure NOT to get a 10x mirror.

The wrinkles already look like the Grand Canyon to me.



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