Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

This 'N That

Today was a collossal waste of time and money. And afterall, time IS money, no? But today was a waste of both.

Because I was feeling OH SO RICH, after learning the news of my nifty tax refund, and because I had no appointments today... what did I do? I went to not one, but two casinos.

At the first one, I won a shitload of money. Everything I touched turned to gold. I mean, I couldn't do anything wrong. Listen, I made up my mind walking in that, I would only play with the money I had in my pocket. No ATM today. So I started with a measely $60.00. Within two hours, I had that up to $600.00. By the time I left casino #1, I had it up to $1100.00.

But was I satisfied? Nooooooooooo. Of course not.

On the way home, I got the brilliant idea to take myself over to the other casino, clear on the other side of the (littlest) state, and try to double my winnings.

So, after driving 45 minutes, I scrambled into the place and made a bee-line to my favorite devil-machine. A machine which managed to devour every dime in my pocket in less than one hour.

Repeat after me...........

Sybil is a greedy dope.

Go ahead. You can say it. I'm writing it on a legal sized pad one thousand times.

Ah well, at least I quit when I got down to my original $60.00.

In other news, there is someone who seems to be more than a little interested in meeting me. He's a so-called "Match" found by the wonderful computers over at e-Harmony.

We've communicated several times via email, exchanged photos, and he wants to meet. I'm hesitant though, because he is the full time care provider of his two teenaged daughters. (I think I mentioned the teenager/rash phenomenon in a previous post.) Anyway, I just received another email from him, and he really wants to talk live. I'm not in such a big hurry though.

Ah well..... might as well settle in for another boring night of Winter Olympics. Oh, wait... tonight the woman's figure skating begins, right? It's about time. That's the only event that I enjoy watching.


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