Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Self Images

I know a woman. She's 2 months younger than me, and diametrically opposite me in every sense possible.

Last night we were having a conversation which went something like this:

Her: I feel great. I lost another 3 pounds this week.
Me: That's terrific. Good for you.
Her: Yeah... it's been so long since men paid attention to me. Just now that guy over there asked me to dance. It felt nice to be noticed.
Me: Why didn't you dance with him?
Her: Because he's fat. He doesn't appeal to me.
Me: That's not very nice. It's only a dance... he didn't propose to you.
Her: Listen, I used to weigh 250 pounds. Now I weigh 206 and I'm not going to settle for just anybody any more. From now on, I'm going to be choosey.
Me: Well, a woman should never settle ... regardless her size. But we also shouldn't judge either. You should've danced with him. He might be a really nice guy.
Her: Fuck that. From now on, I'm only interested in the hotties.

So, it's all about self image, right? I mean, good for her that she's feeling so good about herself and secure in her new body.

I'm all for self confidence, don't get me wrong. But, why become judgemental all of a sudden? Why treat others the way you yourself hated to be treated? So she lost 44 pounds. That's a great accomplishment, but does it suddenly give her the right to cast judgement on others based merely on their appearance?

What about the fact that she obviously has periodontal disease, because her breath is enough to drop a bull moose in it's tracks? And what about the fact that her shirt had more stains on it than my Thanksgiving tablecloth after feeding 25 people? And not to mention that she tells everyone that she is the best singer in 3 states, but her voice is comparable to fingernails on a chalkboard...AMPLIFIED!

I came to the conclusion that while she may indeed have a very high opinion of herself, and her self image is not suffering in the least, my opinion of her plummeted, and I discovered that I do not like this woman, AT.ALL.PERIOD.


At 1:39 PM, Blogger AlmstHvn said...

Wow. How quickly she turned.
I'm completely not impressed with her.

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you blogging again!

I would have been rather appalled at her too, but after losing quite a bit of weight myself over the last few months I can also kind of see her side. It is definitely a self-confidence booster when you have been overweight for a long time to drop a few pounds, but she should realize that she is doing exactly what people have probably done to her in the past.

At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious. A man would do the same damn thing.

Glad your back!!!


(PS I sent you my info to tblog via tmail)


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