It Just Ain't Right
Some folks I know are going through a hard time right now, and it got me to thinking.
Here's the scenario: They met, and they got involved. Six months into it, he developed troubling symptoms of the Herpes kind. He goes to the doctor and lo & behold; it is indeed the gift that keeps on giving. She, however, did not have symptoms, and I believe her when she tells me that she honestly did not know she had this disease.
My thought is; well, if you didn't know you had this; then maybe you didn't. Maybe he had it before he met you. Logical, no?
Anyway, time goes by and they are happy together even given the circumstances. Then one day, she got tired of his bad treatment, and got rid of him. Welllll, now suddenly, according to him, she's no good, the whore of Babylon, a pig, and whatever else he can think of to say (and blog.)
My feeling is this; First, the asshole deserves a beating to within inches of his life for broadcasting her personal business all over the globe. Second, for years, he didn't think she was a whore and a pig while she put up with his bullshit. It was all well and good until she kicked him to the curb - then suddenly she was a gutter skank who infected his lily white ass.
Personally, I'm convinced he already had it, and blamed her. I mean, who doesn't know they have this? Doesn't it at some point show itself? If she had it, she would have known... and once again, I believe her when she tells me she didn't know. She wouldn't lie to me - we share so many (much MUCH worse) secrets, that she just wouldn't have to lie to me about it, ya know?
So ever now & then I see him or hear from him, and what do I have to listen to? Your friend is a filthy no-good, STD carrying so and so. I get SO angry. In fact, the last time, I got so angry I told him; "One more word, and I'll slap your face." He basically told me to go fuck myself - I ditto'd the sentiment, and we went our separate ways.
Then there's another couple I've been friends with for years. They're married 39 years. He's a jerk, but she loves him.
Anyway, she decides to have an affair with someone she met online. The affair goes on for YEARS. She (stupidly) does not delete the email evidence, and he reads all about their rendevous trips to Tahoe, and Reno, and where the hell ever else. Guess what? He goes BALLISTIC. Wouldn't you?
Now, they're living separately in the same house. He's upstairs, she's down.
That is NO way to live. I know. My ex and I lived that way for over a year. It sucks out loud. But, the trouble is, now that her affair is over, and her husband wants no part of her, she is a nuisance to me. I have my own life here, and I don't have the time to occupy all of her free time. It's driving me nuts. Pretty soon I'm going to have to hurt her feelings... which I hate to do, but really, I'm at the end of my patience.
AND THEN... there's my other friend's daughter who keeps on telling me she's going to kill herself. Over & over again. So finally, the daughter gets herself admitted to a psych hospital, which she has wanted to do for a year (Just to get medicated so she can feel better, she says) and now that she's in there, and committed, she calls me 20times a day, crying that she wants to get out and she's a prisoner there. It's at the point now where I just don't answer my phone.
So, in a nutshell........ these people are all driving me nucking futs and IT JUST AIN'T RIGHT !
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