I Love This Picture !

So anyway, other stuff ...
I did some research; not statistically significant research of course, but research nonetheless. I was interested to know what percentage of women who've had complete hysterectomies (including ovaries) gain weight after surgery. Would it interest you to know that virtually 99% of women do gain some weight after this surgery?
I am eight months post-op, and I've gained 10 pounds. Everyone tells me I needed to gain the weight, but I beg to differ. 10 lbs is the cutoff. It's when one more ounce means your clothes no longer fit. It's the difference between "Just a few vanity pounds," and "You're on your way to becoming fat."
So, today I made up my mind that try as MW does to have me eat when he eats; the answer is a resounding NO. Half of the issue is him. He cooks several times a day. He constantly brings pastry and sweets home. And I have such a sweet tooth, that I find it difficult to resist. When I lived alone, food was not an issue. I kept only the bare necessities here. Coffee, english muffins, sandwich meats (sometimes), and not much more. The other issue is, I've watched as my portions have grown. I know that the secret to weight loss is managing the portions. It's always worked for me in the past. I never deprived myself of anything I wanted, I just ate small portions. Now... Geez Louise! I put a helping on my plate, and he shovels more on it. He reminds me of my grandmother, the way she loved to make us all eat!
Anyway, I'm back on the Hoodia for appetite suppression, and back to tiny portions. I won't lie to you though - there is NO plan for exercise. I hate it, and I don't have time for it. Period! Oh, and no beer either... sadly.
I'm sticking to it for one month. I hope to lose the 10, and then my stomach will be shrunken back down to the proper size, and all will be well in Sybilland again. I hope.
Then there's the "Swelly Belly" phenominon. It's the internal swelling from the surgery that they tell me takes well over a year to subside. THANKS! Well, no worries, I'm not a beach bunny anyway. Still though, it's hard to breathe bent over when your pants waste is too tight. It sucks!
I'm finally 143. Size 5, the whole 9 yards, and today I started my 5 day "pouch test" to start my weight loss back up. I've always wanted to be your size, and I wonder what that is. Hmmm...
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