The Tax System Defies Logic
I just signed off on my 07 tax returns. Can someone please explain to me how I can be receiving a federal refund in the amount of $9700.00, and a state refund in the amount of a measely $52.00 ??? How can this be?! Is it any wonder they call this TAXACHUSETTS?
And while I'm at it, I'm sad to say that my presidential candidate:

Which brings me to a humorous anecdote: Last Tuesday was Super Tuesday, as we all know. I was 2 states away at a meeting, and realizing (too late) that I hadn't done an absentee ballott, drove the hour and a half home to vote for my candidate (see above.)
I live in a small Massachusetts town, where local politics are as crooked as Lomard St , and where the Kennedy's are revered, and Camelot is still alive & well. My town is so Democrat, they can't even pronounce the word Republican. Well anyway, I have always been a registered Unaffiliated voter. (I don't like being pigeon-holed)
So I walk into the town ambulance garage where the polling is going on, and I'm greeted by two ladies whose combined age must have totalled 180. There were town policemen hanging around (apparently to keep order and prevent the riots which were CERTAIN to break out as the seniors argued over Obama or Hillary), there were on duty EMTs sitting around, (in case one of said seniors got too carried away over the aforementioned Obama / Hillary debates), and there were your typical smattering of local politicians being completely smarmy with the voters.
Sooo, I approach the two ancient checkers-in, and proceed to ... uh, well... check in. As they check my address (which is how they check you in,) they see that I'm registered U - unaffiliated. Now, there are two stacks of ballots. Red ones (Democratic ticket) and blue ones (Republican ticket.) Being ever so dilligent, and taking her volunteered job very seriously, Old Lady #2 asks me, "Red or Blue?" AS SHE'S HANDING ME THE RED TICKET. To which I quite loudly snort, "Blue - REPUBLICAN!"
At this point, (and I kid you not,) ALL conversation ceased, and there was a very audible, completely in-sync GASSSSSSSSSP from throughout the room.
This pleased me beyond words.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your words.
I'll be reading yours.
sybil, the guy is a freak! hyper-christianity isn't going to work for another four years, and i am GLAD this guy is not getting the nomination.
i respectfully disagree with your endorsement but I still like you a lot...
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