Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


So, D invited me to his place last night. I went, and was shocked to find it immaculate. I mean, eat off the floor, immaculate. Right there, I was like... oh shit... I'm Oscar, he's Felix!

His apartment is very nice, and huge. It overlooks the harbor in Bristol. A million dollar view, for sure.

So he gives me a beer (Bud Lite), and I think, "Hasn't he been paying attention? I only drink Coors Lite." But, whatever. So, we sit there talking and talking. I'm killing time until I have to leave to go get my brother from work. When suddenly...
he pounces on me. And I mean, really pounces. Like a panther!

So I gently push him back, and he looks at me like I have 5 heads. He says, "Don't you like to kiss?" And I say, "Sure I do, but you're making me uncomfortable."

So, he felt bad I guess and backed off.

Then I sat there thinking about what it was that totally turned me off... and the conclusion I came to is; he's a nice guy and all, but I'm just not that attracted to him. Bottom line? I just don't enjoy the way he looks at all; and it's even less attractive to me up close.

Now what?


At 2:55 PM, Blogger nexy said...

hmmm, don't know about anyone else, but i always prefer to date men who i find attractive. call me crazy.

At 7:24 PM, Blogger Jos said...

Simple Sybil,


Life is too short to waste time with someone who does not "knock your socks off."

At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought he's the one... oh men...

At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

try thinking - seriously, take a few days off and chill, it won't kill you. You should slow down and consider. Running fast is Ok unless the cliff looms. Trite, yes?

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Sybil said...

Dear Mr or Ms Anonymous:

I would probably be more apt to consider your advice to "think," (albeit trite as hell)if you'd only had the courtesy to use your name.

As it were, I suppose it is entirely my fault for allowing anonymous comments, which in my opinion are completely worthless... also which is altogether too bad, because I do so enjoy comments.

So with that... anonymous comments are no longer allowed.

At 10:55 PM, Blogger Jos said...

Seems like you will also have to turn on comment moderation as I see you are being spammed.

These people have no shame!

At 9:39 AM, Blogger AlmstHvn said...

Hey Sybil! I haven't visited around in ages and thought I'd catch up a bit.

I met a guy last December that knocked my socks off. It took him until July to inform me that it wasn't - and hadn't been - mutual. I wish he would've told me sooner.
Maybe another date or two just to confirm things?

What I wonder is - why is it I feel such strong attraction for the "wrong" guy... and little attraction for one that's perfectly nice? Maybe that "feeling" isn't so trustworthy... Sigh. I think I'm too old for this.

At 9:41 AM, Blogger AlmstHvn said...

scratch the date or two - I was talking about you and D, not me and whatshisname, but then I reread your post.. so.. never mind that bit :)


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