Often Incoherent ~ Always Menopausal

I Never Said I Was Perfect!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My Fetishes

I love books. Books of all kinds. Hard cover, soft cover, it doesn't matter. Sometimes I buy a book because the cover art catches my eye. Sometimes I buy one simply because the pages feel smooth. Sometimes I read them, and sometimes I don't. Books are a fetish of mine. I must own thousands.

Unlike many people I know, I don't ever part with my books. I can't bear to sell them, and the thought of throwing them out is sacreligous to me.

I have two steadfast rules. I don't loan my books, and I don't loan my music. I'll loan you, or give you anything else that I may have if you have a need or want, but I don't loan books or cd's. You just never get them back.

I also love pens. I know this is an odd fetish, but I collect them. I guess I must own several thousand pens. All types of pens. I am particularly fond of Mont Blanc, and Waterman pens; of which I have quite a few, but interestingly, I also collect pharmaceutical premium pens. Not the cheap plastic ones, but the nice metal ones. You'd be surprised how much the original Viagra (metal) pen sold for on Ebay. And yes, I have one of those.

If you were to ever be let loose in my home office (which probably would never happen) you'd most likely think I am nuts. One whole wall is floor to ceiling bookcase, completely full of hard covers. My desk drawers are overflowing with pens of every color, type, and style.

Sometimes I sit in there and just flip through the pages of a few books. The smell of the bound pages makes me feel good. Other times I sit at my desk and doodle on the blotter with pen after pen, culling out the ones that need ink refills.

Nuts huh?

And you thought this post was going to be dirty!


At 7:12 AM, Blogger nexy said...

i used to collect paperback scifi books. i read every one but kept them. until i moved here. i threw many of them away. *sigh*

i also used to collect cheap pens - the kind you get in hotels, the kind they give away at marketing events, the kind you get as gifts - again, i got rid of most of them when i moved. i did keep my waterman and my cross pens though.

At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to be a big time pen collector and book collector, but recently have slowed down with the collection of all things. My house was starting to look terrible because I had run out of storage space for all of my collections. I have shelves full of books I've never read and drawers and boxes full of pens that have rarely been used. I still collect pens here and there, but I now try to only buy books that I know I'm going to read.

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Sybil said...

WOW! Here I was thinking I was a freak!

Or....... could it be that you two are freaks like me?! LOL

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Jos said...

Well, I do own thousands of pens. I just keep buying and buying. The ones in the office are cheap; I prefer fine point.

I, too, have an impressive collection of books-mostly coffee table art books. I am ashamed to admit I threw out quite a few, 'cause they were starting to overtake my apartment.

Then there's the cheesy shot glass collection. . .


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